Saturday Night Classic Country Music and Dancing
Saturday, May 6, 2023 6:00 PM - Saturday, May 27, 2023 10:00 PM (EDT)
Join us every Saturday night for music and dancing. Share a singles' table and bring a friend to enjoy a night out; family friendly environment; snack bar opens at 6:00pm. $10.00 donation at the door.
We dance every Saturday.
Save these Saturday dates, join us and share a covered dish!
Mother's Day Dance May 6
Memorial Day Dance May 27 (Flag Ceremony at 8:00pm)
Father's Day Dance June 17
The Saturday night monthly dance band schedule is:
1st Saturday dance to Gone Again Band
2nd Saturday dance to The McKoys' band,
3rd Saturday dance to Bob Strickland and Freestyle band
4th and 5th Saturday dance to the Haywire band.
See you on the dance floor!! Check our calendar on and Facebook page for our upcoming events. Celebrate a birthday or anniversary with us on a Saturday night!!
710 Meeting St.
West Columbia, SC 29169 United States