Our Place of Hope - Community Mental Health Forum
Thursday, October 13, 2022 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
A Community Mental Health Forum with a free lunch buffet will be held on October 13, 2022, featuring a panel of local community leaders and mental health experts, discussing the effects of the mental health crisis on our area, and ways to meet the needs of those dealing with mental illness. The luncheon will be held at The Hall at Senate’s End, 320 Senate St, Columbia, 29201. The panel includes mental health experts Bill Lindsey, Executive Director of NAMI, SC; Dr. Chris Kunkle, Deputy Director of Behavioral Health, SCDOC; Dr. Debra Bjork, practicing psychiatrist and founder of Our Place of Hope; Randy Redlinger, Executive Director of Gateway Clubhouse, Greenville, SC. As well as community leaders Leon Lott, Sheriff of Richland County; Debbie Summers, Council Woman for Lexington, SC District 4; and Charlotte Berry, philanthropist with a background in Psychiatric Social work. They will be opening a dialogue discussing ways to bring better mental health resources to the Midlands of South Carolina. There will also be a Clubhouse Strategic Plan Presentation.
The forum and luncheon are open to the public and free of charge, but prior registration is necessary. If you would like to attend, please call 803-846-5575 or email admin@ourplaceofhope.org by October 7th. The forum is being sponsored by Our Place of Hope.
320 Senate St.
Columbia, SC 29201